The Bog Trot


The Bog Trot is a hill race we disorganise in Holyrood Park every April. It usually is around 6.5km in length with approximately 240m of elevation. The exact course is liable to change each year, depending on which parts of the park are open.

This year the Bog Trot will be held on Saturday 13th April 2024.

Race registration: 12pm-12:59pm. Entry is £4. Cash only (please bring exact change if you can!). Entry on the day only. You must be 16 or older to enter.

Race start: 1pm

Race HQ is on the grassy area north-west of Haggis Knowe. There are no changing facilities or toilets provided – please come ready to run. If you need a toilet, the nearest ones are at the Education Centre across the parade ground.

Prizes: There will be prizes for category winners and the first men’s and women’s teams (4 to count), as well as the infamous spot-prizes. We cannot guarantee you’ll like them though (previous prizes have included brown socks, and tins of spam).

Route: The route for 2024 will be confirmed imminently.

You can view the route below, or here.

The Bog Trot is a Scottish Athletics licenced event – Licence #12297